The Accumulation of Capital

The Accumulation of Capital (full title : The Accumulation of Capital: A Contribution to an Economic Explanation of Imperialism, Die Akkumulation des Kapitals: Ein Beitrag zur ökonomischen Erklärung des Imperialismus) is the principal book length work of Rosa Luxemburg first published in 1913.

It is in three sections as described below [1]:

  1. The Problem of Reproduction
  2. The Historical Exposition of the Problem
    1. Round I: Sismondi--Malthus vs. Say--Ricardo, MacCulloch
    2. Round II: The Controversy between Rodbertus and von Kirchmann
    3. Round III: Struve-Bulgakov-Tugan Baranovski vs. Vorontsov-Kikolayon
  3. The Historical Conditions of Accumulation

See also


  1. ^ Luxemburg, Rosa (1951). The Accumulation of Capital. Monthly Review Press. LCN 64-16176. 

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